Wednesday 11 November 2015




 Submitted by:
                                PREETHI P.KURIAN

Social science room stands for a big room of suitable size situated at an appropriate place within the campus of a school. Besides being an effective place for carrying out the formal theoretical and practical classroom activities of social science, it also accommodates all essential material, aids and equipments related to the teaching-learning of the subject.
The establishment and maintenance of a social science room may be justified on the ground that a variety of benefits can be derived through such an establishment. These benefits in general may be summarized as follows:
a.     It may help in the safe and secure keep up of the needed material, aids and equipments in a suitable and organized way, helpful in the appropriate teaching and learning of social science.
b.     It helps in saving the time and energy of both the teachers and students of social science through an easy location and timely availability of the needed material, aids and equipments on account of their orderly, systematic and category-wise placing in the social science room.
c.      It helps in providing an appropriate environment for the teaching-learning of the subject social science by making the students attracted towards the charts, pictures, photographs, maps, diagrams, graphs, time lines, cartoons and posters put on the walls.
d.     The facilities available in the social science room may help in providing proper opportunities to the students for their self-expression and mutual exchange of curricular and co-curricular programmes in the shape of panel and group discussions, seminars, workshops, quizzes and word search programmes, etc.
e.      The use of social science room is specially limited to the teaching-learning of the subject social science; there is no need to bring any change in the set-up of the room.


After taking into account the planning about the place, accommodation, building and furniture of the social science room, the next thing that needs immediate consideration is the planning about the things and material to be kept in this room for serving the required purpose, a social science teacher may plan for the procurement and keep up of the follows:

·        Various type of graphic material like pictures, photographs, charts, maps, diagrams, cartoons, posters, graphs, timelines and statistical data being displayed on the walls of the social science room for showing useful information and knowledge as well as making the room’s environment attractive and motivational towards learning.
·        Chalk boards and other wooden, plastic, cloth or magnetic board hanging on the walls.
·        Bulletin boards and magnetic boards for displaying information in and outside the social science classrooms.
·        Various types of graphic aid material for using in the effective teaching-learning of the subject.
·        Various type of three- dimensional teaching aids material like models, specimen, real objects and dioramas.
·        The book and study material related to the social science library like textbooks, reference books, journals, magazines, and bulletins and material collected from the newspapers and magazines.
·        Various types of files, cabinets, boxes, stands, racks, cupboards and packing materials for the collection and safe placing of the materials and equipment belonging to the social science

Organization of social science museum can be taken up as a co-curricular activity. Museums have a great educative value. These are recreation centers also. These contain non-reading materials, which presents valuable information concerning the past periods. Events, persons, etc. are presented in the form of real objects, pictures, drawings, etc. The museums can procure and maintain various materials that could be effectively used in class room teaching. These can be collected, classified and exhibited by students and teachers. It provides insights into how people lived, how society has progressed and how science has developed since time immemorial. It stimulates enthusiasm for deep study and research among students as well as teachers.

The secondary education commission has rightly remarked that, “museums play a great part in the  education of school children as they bring home to them much more vividly than any prosaic lectures, the discoveries of the past and the various developments that have taken place in many fields of science and technology.”
1.     Museum contains real objects of historical, geographical, scientific and cultural importance which can make social science learning dynamic.
2.     These develop interest among learners to accumulate, preserve, classify and put on reference worthwhile informative material.
3.     These throw light on political, social, cultural and artistic developments of different periods in different countries.
4.     The teacher can take the students to the museum to observe relevant material if available, before or after teaching a particular lesson.
5.     It makes the teaching of social science lively and provides direct experience.
6.     It helps to inculcate values such as national integration and international understanding.
7.     It adds reality to teaching, and makes children active. It encourages curiosity band self-education.
8.     It increases power for thinking and imagination and creativity among students.
9.     If articles prepared by students are worthwhile and these could become items of the museum. This recognition will encourage learning by doing and also provides reinforcement.
10.                        The social science museum can motivate students to prepare exhibition and satisfy their urge for construction and creativity.

1.     Museum would be airy and well ventilated.
2.     Articles should be securely placed.
3.     The title and date should be mentioned on the object along with information about its procurement.
4.     Insecticides may be used when necessary
5.     Children should not be allowed to touch the objects
6.     A list of the objects placed in the museum should be maintained
7.     The exhibits should be carefully cleaned and handled with care.

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